Debug variables: What does the string prefix @ means?

I’m checking the variables in Debug mode and I see that one of the string variables has a strudel prefix:

Does anyone know what does it mean ?

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It indicates a verbatim string literal

Verbatim string literals are a feature in C# (the language that UiPath uses for custom activities and workflows) that tells the compiler to treat the string exactly as it’s defined, including escape characters.

For example:

  • @"C:\MyFolder\MyFile.txt" will be treated as the string C:\MyFolder\MyFile.txt.
  • "C:\\MyFolder\\MyFile.txt" would be interpreted as C:\MyFolder\MyFile.txt.

Other variables may not have this representation because their values might not contain escape characters or backslashes

Hope this clarifies

Cheers @Udiar

With some references to the docu resources

we do see this in the e.g. debugging panels and can interpret as described

Kindly note the handling of double quotes

  • grafik
  • in some panels we do see ""
  • in some other panels we do see \"

but in both cases it is visualization but not the value content

Thank you.
Since the variable doesn’t contain backslashes, I understand from your reply that the variable probably contains escape character/s. How can I remove any escape characters from the variable?

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Keep in mind the differences of definition and value

L1: we defined as string using withing a doublequote and escaped it with a second doublequote
L2: we check if the string contains a doublequote (it does), but for the definition we again escaped it with another one
L3: we showcased that no \ is within the content
L4: we showcased that no 2 subsequent doublequotes are within the content

And also:

U can use a replace method to avoid that using assign activity

Strinput = Strinput.ToString.Replace(“your special character”, “ any new character”)

But that’s not required it just comes when looked at LOCALS panel and @ symbol won’t come with actual value
So you are good to go
Just be aware is what I would suggest

Hope this clarifies
