Dear Team, Pls provide regular expression for the below string.tq

Hotel Details Key Facilities Customer Details
Wiking Hotel bigfest ‘West Yorkshire Police

Hotel Details Key Facilities Customer Details
Wiking Royal Hotel Eden gardens Atkins

Hotel Details Key Facilities Customer Details
Strells Hotel multi cusion |e ce Mrs Deborah Roberts

From above string i want extract hotel names. Pls help.tq

Hey @Lokesh_M2


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Thank you for ur time, but i need only highlighted strings.

Hi @Lokesh_M2 ,

We cannot find a pattern to identify the Hotel names only.

Could you let us know How are you retrieving this data ? We could maybe handle the retrieval of the Hotel names from the point of source itself.

One Another way to only identify the Starting name of the Hotel :

(?<=Customer Details)[\S\s]+?(?<=Hotel)

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