Datediff is not working for me

I am using DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, todaysDate, taskDate)

where todaysDate variable gets Today’s date in DateTime format and taskDate gets date from an excel sheet in DateTime format

I want to see if a task has been updated from last 5 days or not.

Please help.


Hi @Nikhil_kathpalia ,

Did you mean to say that you are getting negative values?


If so, then you could use a Math.Abs like so:


Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K

I am getting this compiler error

just inspect the datatype of your variable which gets assigned from the statement

maybe you are looking for this:

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Hi @Nikhil_kathpalia ,

Somehow I get the feeling that you have placed this inside of an If Activity.
If that is the case, then could you try this?


Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K

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This worked, Thanks a lot!!

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kindly note:
a future date will be kept as same as an 2 days old day with the Math.Abs approach

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