I have the date time comes as a string like “12May2019”. I need to convert this to “dd-mm-yyyy” format.
please raise your suggestions.
I have the date time comes as a string like “12May2019”. I need to convert this to “dd-mm-yyyy” format.
please raise your suggestions.
check below screen shot change string to date format
I have created workflow based on your requirement run and check let me know.
Date.zip (10.8 KB)
An error shows as “string was not recognized as valid Date Time Format”
not working
try this : CDate(“12May2019”).tostring(“dd-MM-yyyy”)
please note mm stand for minutes and MM stand for month…
try this bro
1.use assign datestr=“12May2019”
2.assign out_date=Date.ParseExact(datestr.Trim,“ddMMMyyyy”,Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(“dd-MM-yyyy”)
Buddy @jishnupnair1996,
input_datetime = “12May2019”
Output_Time = Datetime.Parseexact(input_datetime,“ddMMMyyyy”,System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
Just two steps buddy @jishnupnair1996
hello @jishnupnair1996
take an assign activity create a System.DateTime Variable & on the right hand side type this command Convert.ToDateTime(“12May2019”).
Did that work for you buddy @jishnupnair1996
Hi @jishnupnair1996,
This solution also work.
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