Date read (dd/mm/yy) from PDF but output (dd1mm1yy)


As mentioned from the topic above, I try getting date format from PDF using OCR Get Text. However, the output appear as 1 instead of “/” . For example:

31/01/2021 but the GET OCR Text output: 3110112021

Really appreciate for solution to get output 31/01/2021.



Could you please try with other ocr engines

Because this perticular ocr is not recognising /

Hi @nikhil.girish ,

what are the alternate OCR to use ? This is first time I use OCR activities.

There are other ocr available in @DTECH uipath activities panel please do check

Google ocr
Uipath Document ocr

also try omnipage OCR (you have to download the package from package manager first)

Sorry I never install any package in UIPath, could you guide the process ? I read the article says navigate to “Manage package” but I can’t find it in UIPath.

click manage packagesall packages → search "omni

  1. uipath omnipage activities
  2. omnipage bundle

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