Date picker issue from excel to website

i have input excel data in DATE column below :21/11/2020, ,21/12/2020,29/12/2021
website URL is —>

extract data —BEST,Cheapest,Fastest price to excel.

i tried but i am unable to click date and extract Data to excel.
can anybody help to me …datess.xlsx (8.8 KB) Datepicker_2.xaml (28.7 KB)

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Hey @Anand_Designer,

I have used this link

PFA - (50.3 KB)

It will help you in selecting the date on the web app

Then you can build upon it using data scraping for all flight data.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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@Nithinkrishna i checked and run but it doesn’t work throw error …


First thing please intall the UiPath extension for chrome browser.

@mz3bel @Nithinkrishna i installed chrome extension update also, but its getting runtime error below


It’s a selector issue, you have to click again on the element, or instead “Sunday, 29 November 2020” put an “*”.

Depending on what realy you want to do… if you can clarify exaclty what you are looking for, i might help you.

@mz3bel i want to click date input from excel to web app .i am not able to do that main issue
i have attached excel above

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I can’t open your file, i would suggest that your read your excel file, than make the necessary clicks on the website, after that you use data scraping to collect all data you need, then use write range to save your collected data to your excel file.

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Hey @Anand_Designer,

Make sure you click the date element first as given in the sample code.

That is the idea for you. You need to incorporate the same in yours.

If you still face issues, let me know please.

Thanks :slight_smile: