Hi Team,
I am reading a date from excel file. I need to set the same date in a date picker. Anybody provide me a sample xaml file.
Hi Team,
I am reading a date from excel file. I need to set the same date in a date picker. Anybody provide me a sample xaml file.
Buddy @Robotics
Is the date picker website you mean
if so here is your xaml buddy
Datepicker.zip (12.3 KB)
kindly correct me if i have understood your query wrongly
Cheers @Robotics
Can you unzip the file and resend
fine buddy here you go
Datepicker modified.zip (21.2 KB)
Did that work buddy @Robotics
i cant download a zip file from here.Can you extract and send ?
Is the date picker website you mean ?
i need to work in mainframe application.
Here is the flow buddy @Robotics
datepicker.xaml (9.6 KB)
but i did for a web application buddy , any how the flow would work for you buddy hope so
Kindly let know that works or not, lets sort this out buddy
It works fine thanks.
Fantastic buddy…
If so kindly make a solution buddy, that could help others as well…
Cheers @Robotics