Actually its correct, kindly try that once in your db itself and check whether its inserting or not buddy… @venkatmalla6
yes buddy gotcha, the names in column has space in it, while in db you cannot have space between columns, like first name, last name
Remove that space and check with column names in db and enter them in same order here as well
thanks buddy,let me check it and i get back to you.
Great, kindly let know if it works buddy @venkatmalla6 or lets sort this out
Sequence1.xaml (5.2 KB)
this is my xaml file.
Buddy did you try to execute that query in the db manually…is that inserting buddy @venkatmalla6
yeah i tried it’s taking manually.
great, try to mention the db column name like this
insert into database ( [first name],[last name],[hr],[status]) values(…)
The reason is first and last are keywords in access db buddy, and we should not mention the db keywords as table columnname. i think thats the issue, it will work buddy this time
Kindly let know buddy whether this works or not @venkatmalla6
let me check it and one more thing if the connections are not good is there any possibility to get these type of error.
No Buddy connection wont show error with syntax, and it has no count on it, it would rather show error with connectionstrings only…this must be the issue, the keywords been used…
ok,i don’t know why still it is showing same error.
xaml buddy…
Sequence1.xaml (5.2 KB)
look at this.
this one also buddy
insert into [database] ( [first name],[last name],[hr],[status]) values(…)
Sorry i missed it @venkatmalla6
Still buddy…? @venkatmalla6
thanks buddy,now it works,made my day
Cheers buddy @venkatmalla6
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