Data table separated by values

Hi everyone,

I try to separate a data table by values from a column. I have the “Tipo Cambio” column with diferent values and I try to get the values for each “Tipo de Cambio”. The column “Tipo de Cambio” is dynamic so I can´t use the value inside to filtered.


Can anybody help me ??

What does this mean? Get them how? To use them for what?

Did you Read Range the spreadsheet into a datatable? If so then you can For Each Row in Data Table to get the data for each row, and it would be CurrentRow(“Tipo Cambio”).ToString to get that column’s value.

Yeah tnks let me try, I’ve already had the table in a DataTable variable

Looks Like a group by case

Hi @marquezd

  1. Use the “Read Range” activity (value=dt)

DistinctValues = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(True, “Tipo de Cambio”)

For Each row In DistinctValues.Rows
FilteredDataTable = dt.Select(“Tipo de Cambio = '” & row(“Tipo de Cambio”).ToString & “'”).CopyToDataTable
’ Process the filtered DataTable as needed (e.g., write it to a separate file)

Hope this helps

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