Data Scrapping Suggestion

Hey @balkishan,
You have declared it but you need to assign it some value for the no of rows you want to skip.

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can you try this zip file plz

But we already give the value in the query na bro.

I did that not working

Sorry for delay.

skipRows is a variable of type Integer.
You must declare and assign the SkipRows variable.

For example, skipRows = 50, it will skip the first 50 rows.

Karthik Byggari

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Hi No problem bro, I did that but not working. It give me the same only. @KarthikByggari

Just trying for first 5.
@KarthikByggari @amarasto can you reply plz.

skipRows should be before assign activity.

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It means Extracted Data Table from data scraping is not extracting any rows.
The data table seems to be empty.
Please check.


Because, your extracted data table contains only 5 rows and you are skipping 5 rows while extracting part of the data table. That is why you are getting the error message.

While skipping you have to make sure that the data table contains rows after skip.

Karthik Byggari

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Now I gave the value 0 in the ExtractedDataTable activity. But it’s giving me the complete result not skipping the first 5 result.

suppose it has to start from the yellow line marked items.

@kalyanDev @KarthikByggari

This error occurs you are skipping some rows and then you are taking 5 records here you have only 5 records after kiping the 5 records you don’t have any records in datatable that’s why this error occurs.

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Do one thing check the number of rows exists in the data table using datatable .rows.count then check the condition if it is more than 5 then skip 5 else take as it is.

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@KarthikByggari @kalyanDev Okay now it’s working can you please let me how can I limit this. Like I am fetching from 6th right. So I want to limit it like I want to extrat from 6th to 20 only.
@KarthikByggari @kalyanDev

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after skipping use this .take(limit)

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