Data scrapping is not extracting the date and integer values except string values

Data scrapping is not extracting the date and integer values except string values.

Please let me know, if you have any idea on this.


Data scraping does not recognize datatypes, and will only pull objects or strings.

To convert a string to an integer (e.g MyIntString), use CInt(MyIntString).

To convert a string to a date, it depends on the format of the date. If the date is structured as 2020-03-30, or yyyy-MM-dd, then use Date.ParseExact(MyDateString, "yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), where MyDateString is the date you’ve scraped as a string.

Hi Anthony,

I am not getting any value(other values are coming empty) in a data table except string values.
