Data Scraping returning


Thank you for your suggestions. I actually tried to manipulate the selectors but it didn’t work.
My Data Scraping was good as well, I tested it several times. With regard to the MaxNumberOfResults property, I did try to put it at a large number but then it fails when encountering the end of the datatable on the website.

I found a way to circumvent the issue, not resolving it directly however and it is really annoying. Basically I do not use 0 as value for the MaxNumberofResults option.
There is a location on the webpage where the total number of entries is displayed, the selector associated with the element is not that good (it fails half the time to retrieve the value) but I found a way to get this number anyway by putting it inside a Try-catch and looping until it finds it.

Then I use this dynamic number as the MaxNumberOfResults and it works.

If any of you may have a clue about what is the inherent issue related to scraping my table - why does it fails when trying to read after the last element in the table, I would be glad to read it!

Thank you all again for your help!

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