December 3, 2019, 8:25pm
I’m using Studio 2019.11.0-beta.2 - Community Edition - Stable, working on Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 bits, .NET Framework Versão 4.6.2
I’m trying to get all rows of a table with 250 rows with this activity
It returns 249. The only one that I want it’s not being returned.
The M109 is missing
But in the origin table it exists
Why only this one is missing?
The input ExtractMetadata is:
(Ganta lakshman)
December 4, 2019, 12:07am
Could you please retry it once again and check.
Hi , could be because some how tool felt that row is with different tag
What you can do here is
Do the datasraping , show that particular row first as indication to the tool , then it asks for want to capture whole data table , clicking on yes can show you the result, this way you can verify
And one more is if the above verification is still not giving fix to you
Then use correlated data extraction by extracting column level data
December 4, 2019, 12:34pm
Hi, I’ve done a lot of times and it’s returning the same error.
December 4, 2019, 12:46pm
Hi, I’ve looked the tags in html source code and it’'s the same for the 2 rows.
At the beginning of robot execution I ask the start and end date to limit the period of the paid invoices. But, I do not use these dates in the Data Scraping activity.
I use these dates later to check for paid invoices within the time frame set by the user.
I did 2 tests:
I put the first period from 03/10/2019 to 09/10/2019, so the robot did not get the invoice paid on 08/10/2019.
I changed the period to November 11/03/2019 to 09/11/2019, so the robot did not get the invoice paid on 08/11/2019.
I do not understand why he is filtering the table and removing exactly the invoice I need to be fetched.
(Peter Preuss)
December 4, 2019, 12:59pm
welcome to the forum
for sharing selectors or other code parts please use the button from the editor.
otherwise we cant see the info that you do provide to us
As already mentioned deeper uiexplorer / selector analysis is recommended. With different tests in seperate xaml conquer 109/108 or 110 retrieval
December 4, 2019, 2:12pm
Hi, here is the code of the ExtractMetadata:
<row exact='1'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='tabela-extrato-zebra' idx='1'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela-row'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela' idx='1'/>
<column exact='1' name='Parcela' attr='text'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='tabela-extrato-zebra' idx='1'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela-row'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela' idx='1'/>
<webctrl tag='span' class='tbl-02' idx='1'/>
<column exact='1' name='Valor pago' attr='text'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='tabela-extrato-zebra' idx='1'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela-row'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela' idx='1'/>
<webctrl tag='span' class='tbl-09' idx='1'/>
<column exact='1' name='Data do pagamento' attr='text'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='tabela-extrato-zebra' idx='1'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela-row'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela' idx='1'/>
<webctrl tag='span' class='tbl-10' idx='1'/>
<column exact='1' name='Data do vencimento' attr='text'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='tabela-extrato-zebra' idx='1'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela-row'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela' idx='1'/>
<webctrl tag='span' class='tbl-03' idx='1'/>
<column exact='1' name='Valor original' attr='text'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='tabela-extrato-zebra' idx='1'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela-row'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela' idx='1'/>
<webctrl tag='span' class='tbl-04' idx='1'/>
And this is the html source code from the table lines:
<div class="linha-tabela-row">
<div class="more-icon"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></div>
<div class="linha-tabela">
<span class="tbl-01">
<img src="/sap/public/bc/its/mimes/ZPF/99/pago_02.png" />
<span class="tbl-02">M108 - MENSAL</span>
<span class="tbl-03">08/09/2019</span>
<span class="tbl-04"> 1.039,36</span>
<span class="tbl-05"> 0,00</span>
<span class="tbl-06"> 23,39</span>
<span class="tbl-07"> 0,00</span>
<span class="tbl-08"> 1.062,75</span>
<span class="tbl-09"> 1.062,75</span>
<span class="tbl-10">16/09/2019</span>
<span class="tbl-11">
<div class="linha-tabela-row">
<div class="more-icon"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></div>
<div class="linha-tabela">
<span class="tbl-01">
<img src="/sap/public/bc/its/mimes/ZPF/99/pago_02.png" />
<span class="tbl-02">M109 - MENSAL</span>
<span class="tbl-03">08/10/2019</span>
<span class="tbl-04"> 1.039,36</span>
<span class="tbl-05"> 0,00</span>
<span class="tbl-06"> 0,00</span>
<span class="tbl-07"> 0,00</span>
<span class="tbl-08"> 1.039,36</span>
<span class="tbl-09"> 1.039,36</span>
<span class="tbl-10">07/10/2019</span>
<span class="tbl-11">
(Peter Preuss)
December 4, 2019, 2:42pm
As you mentioned there is no difference to encounter.
For a test run I would delete all rows except 108,109,110 via the Developertools F12 and would check the result of datascraping. This test should have only 2 results:
#1 109 is catched
#2 109 is missing
let see what is happening
December 4, 2019, 3:23pm
I think it has to do with the period entered by the user because depending on the period entered the invoice is fetched or not. But I can’t understand why this since I don’t use the period in scraping activity.
Hi, pls remove idx from metadata and see
It should work
December 4, 2019, 5:03pm
I removed the idx and ran the robot, it worked at the first time.
Then, I ran again a second time without changing anything else on the robot and it didn’t work.
Here is the new code:
<row exact='1'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='tabela-extrato-zebra'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela-row'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela'/>
<column exact='1' name='Parcela' attr='text'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='tabela-extrato-zebra'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela-row'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela'/>
<webctrl tag='span' class='tbl-02'/>
<column exact='1' name='Valor pago' attr='text'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='tabela-extrato-zebra'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela-row'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela'/>
<webctrl tag='span' class='tbl-09'/>
<column exact='1' name='Data do pagamento' attr='text'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='tabela-extrato-zebra'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela-row'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela'/>
<webctrl tag='span' class='tbl-10'/>
<column exact='1' name='Data do vencimento' attr='text'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='tabela-extrato-zebra'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela-row'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela'/>
<webctrl tag='span' class='tbl-03'/>
<column exact='1' name='Valor original' attr='text'>
<webctrl tag='div' class='tabela-extrato-zebra'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela-row'/>
<webctrl tag='div' class='linha-tabela'/>
<webctrl tag='span' class='tbl-04'/>