Data Scraping and opening the hyperlinks

Hi there,

I am trying to scrape the table data of the above URL and click on the FILM column(film name) one by one and open in a new tab and then extract some data and close the tab one by one.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @indrajit.shah

Below is the workflow for the same :-
Practise Solutions for (53.7 KB)

I have made this workflow in latest version of Edge Browser. It is completly working fine what all you are trying to do

Mark as solution and like it :slight_smile:

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:

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That’s defiantly a solution.

would you mind looking to this below selector, I am trying to replicate click item as you showed earlier, and I have this below limited options
