Data extraction from given string pattern

Hi Team,

I want to extract data from the below string. As u can see in the pattern first line is product name. Second line is number of piece and after that dimensions of the product. So I want to extract number between brackets, Cut to size pieces and dimensions for each product.

2 x Hot Rolled Steel Rectangle Bar (10050300) = Call for Price
• # of Cut to Size Pieces - 2
• Length - 47"

1 x Hot Rolled Steel Sheet & Plate (HRP016408) = Call for Price
• # of Cut to Size Pieces - 1
• Length - 60"
• Width - 4"

2 x 5052 Aluminum Sheet & Plate (52SH025412) = Call for Price
• # of Cut to Size Pieces - 2
• Length - 30"
• Width - 4"


Hope the following helps you.

Number between brackets


Cut to size pieces

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(yourString,"(?<=# of Cut to Size Pieces -\s*).*").Value


System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(yourString,"(?<=Length -\s*).*").Value


System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(yourString,"(?<=Width -\s*).*").Value


Thanks for the reply. I need to get each product detail. So basically first i need to get each product into string. So please help me in splitting on the basis of empty line if possible than i will use the the regex u have mentioned.

2 x Hot Rolled Steel Rectangle Bar (10050300) = Call for Price
• # of Cut to Size Pieces - 2
• Length - 47"

1 x Hot Rolled Steel Sheet & Plate (HRP016408) = Call for Price
• # of Cut to Size Pieces - 1
• Length - 60"
• Width - 4


How about using Regex.Split as the following?

products = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(strData,“\r?\n\r?\n”) (2.8 KB)


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An alternative solution with groups:

\d x (?<product>.+) = Call for Price\r?\n• # of Cut to Size Pieces - (?<pieces>\d+)\r?\n• Length - (?<length>\d+")(\r?\n• Width - (?<width>\d+"))?

Use the pattern with the Matches activity. Loop through the matches and access the fields:


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