Daily error markcanceled

hello everyone, after uipath update of the new look, I am getting the following error every time the assistant starts.

and then i get this error

Captura de Pantalla 2020-10-16 a la(s) 11.19.07 a. m.
it is strange, because it is an error that lasts almost 4 hours

it is mi flow:

does anyone know what I should do?



I think this one is often fixed by a simple robot service restart. The easy way to do so is to simply restart your machine.

Hello @loginerror , thanks for answering. but this happens every time I restart the machine, and every day.

I see. What is the version of your Robot?

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Captura de Pantalla 2020-10-16 a la(s) 12.20.29 p. m.

My first suggestion would be to update to the latest 20.10 version, in case this bug was already spotted and is now fixed.