CV Type into Activity Not Able to edit

Hi Team,

CV Type into activity functionality not working properly,

When i am trying to edit the input values in the activity, values are not updating and it entire text box highlighting in red color. When i opened expression editor it showing blank. For now i am just replacing the activity with new cv type into activity or replacing the same activity then only i can able to move further.

I am attaching screenshots as well.

Hope you got my point and accepting some feedback from your end.
@UiPath_Community @uipath


As per your screenshot - it is expecting a variable.

Either you store the details into a variable and use the same.

Or in the above drop down - change from variable to advanced editor and use the same


If you see first screenshot, it having value and it highlighted in red color just i opened expression editor then that data disappearing.

there is no issues from variable side. and if i use variable and clicked on save button as per you comments after clicking save button if i reopen then it will be empty only.

when i replace the activity then only its wokring

Okay Hope it is resolved now
Let us know if you need any further support

@sharazkm32 i raised this bug to fix from UiPath.

It should not behavior like that right? That’s the reason i posted here