Unable to access custom package which was developed in Windows project in a Windows legacy project in Studio.
Issue Description:
Custom packages developed in Windows compatibility are not getting accessed in Windows Legacy compatibility projects.
Root Cause: The underlying .NET framework used in Windows and Windows-legacy projects.
Windows-Legacy and Windows compatibilities are classified based on the underlying .NET Framework upon which they are built. Windows-Legacy uses .NET Framework 4.6.1. the compatibility used in releases before 2021.10 while Windows uses .NET 6 (in Studio 2021.10.6 and later versions) or .NET 5 (in Studio 2021.10 versions prior to 2021.10.6) with Windows support.- The custom package has been developed using the Windows framework, it uses the.NET5 framework and tried to access it in Windows-Legacy there would be compatibility issues.
Find more details on the differences between Windows and Windows-Legacy compatibility in the below document: Setting The Project Compatibility.