I created a custom connector with a external application using a REST API endpoint. When I test the connector in Intergration Service everything is working fine and gives me output. For the connection I used a PAT which succesfully connected.
The problem I’m facing right now is that I cant connect the custom connector in UiPath studio. I create a List all records in the connector builder activity. Here can I find the custom connector and everything works. But when I’m execute the proces I get this error.
Error: Activity ended with error:
ErrorCode: [400]
Message: Bad Request - Often due to a missing request parameter
Provider Error Message: Value for required parameter ‘Medewerker_Naam’ not found
RequestId: 63c66b2ce4b0a7742d1d18df
Error: UiPath.BAF.Infrastructure.Exceptions.BusinessActivityExecutionException: BusinessActivityExecutionException:
Error Code: [400]
Message: Bad Request - Often due to a missing request parameter
Provider Error Message: Value for required parameter ‘Medewerker_Naam’ not found
RequestId: 63c66b2ce4b0a7742d1d18df
at UiPath.BAF.Activities.BAFAsyncCodeActivity`1.EndExecute(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, IAsyncResult result)
at System.Activities.AsyncCodeActivity.System.Activities.IAsyncCodeActivity.FinishExecution(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, IAsyncResult result)
at System.Activities.AsyncCodeActivity.CompleteAsyncCodeActivityData.CompleteAsyncCodeActivityWorkItem.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
Thanks for your reaction. At the moment I dont use parameters. Is it neccesary to use a parameter to make a connection to Studio? If yes how can I do that?
So if I understand you correct. I need to add a Parameter which can filter the Medewerker_naam (Employee_name) before I can get output out of it in a activity in studio.
Our custom connector doesn’t require any parameters to provide output when executing. See the results in below output where only configure base URL + resource group URL and a token provided in the header. Just run Execute and it gives us a JSON result.
Why does an activity then requires a parameter as input, doesn’t it just execute the custom connector to output the same results as in the Connector Builder?
Having a parameter is not necessary for the custom connector yes…
But as per the error it need s specific input and which is not supplied …so check if you are invoking the correct api and if all the detaila are proper…depwnding on wjat you are seecting int he activity…
If you can share the properties or a sample xaml would help in understanding better
I’m using the following activities. I select the object from the connector and create a variable for the output which I want to use to log a info message. Do you see any strange things in my process?
Issue is solved! I started the trial and created a new tenant. I guess it doesnt worked with the default tenant. Ofcourse I’m facing now a new issue but the error is different. So I need te figure that out now.