CSV data format

1.Remove empty data
2.Add new column, the value should get from behind column [ Inquirer account number ] ,EG:6184111, which certain data should get related value
3.Meger all the data
The original csv as below:

I want get the csv as below:

CSV.zip (1.2 KB)

Hi @Lori ,
You can insert data column
Assign value
then write range back new data table to csv


Can you try the following sample?

Sample20230728-6L.zip (4.3 KB)


Thank you very much for your help.

Sorry, for the sake of confidentiality at the time, I deleted too much information from CSV. When I tested using the system exported file, I found that no matter how I debugged and modified it, I couldn’t get the desired results. I have attached the system exported file, please help me take a look again. Thank you!

Remark: Please remove the the top seven row from result, thanks.

New_original 20230801.zip (1.6 KB)

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