Cross Platform proje sayfasında "Not Defteri" desteği yok mu?

1- Asistan’ı macos 'da kullanmak istediğim için , UiPath studiox üzerinde yeni boş projeyi cross platform olarak açtım , fakat not defteri disable durumda geldi.
Bunun dışında iki sorum var;

  • 2- windows olarak yarattığım projeyi cross platforma çeviremiyor muyum?
  • 3- crossplatform olarak proje açtığımda activiteler windows seçimine göre değişiyor mu?


As of now following packages are supported in cross platform and so are read text activities.
And a text file is supported yes.

Please refer below threads:

Activities - Read Text File (

Cross-platform automation - build, run, manage - News / Product News - UiPath Community Forum

Hope that helps.


hi ,
why does the project notebook button show as disabled in studiox-cross platform?


  1. Project notebook is disabled because it is an excel file and needs to be saved on a local machine or windows machine…by default cross platform projects are meant to run on linux or serverless bots…where the local file system is not available as in windows…so that is disabled…In cross platform you cannot use file system in local
  2. A project developed in windows compatibility cannot be directly converted to cross platform…you have to rebuild
  3. Yes depending on what compatibility is selected the activities change …cross platform activities are little different to support os other than windows

Hope this helps


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UiPath’s lack of mac support is an important loss in my opinion,
Also, the fact that UiPath assistant has such a disadvantage was a second loss for me,
Is there a plan for mac support in the coming days, it is an important issue for me to continue using UiPath.


As of now yes that a limitation for now…because most of yhe applications are supported on non mac as well…hope in future we get mac compatibiltiy as well

As of now you can use studio web instead to do your automations which does not need a installation on local system
