Cross Domain Exception Azure Government

Azure Government customers can encounter a cross domain exception when attempting to deploy our Orchestrator app service installation script.

Issue Description: When running the Azure PaaS deployment scripts for deploying into Azure cloud, the following message is encountered:

  • Connect-AzAccount : ClientSecretCredential authentication failed: AADSTS900382: Confidential Clienti s not supported in Cross Cloud request.

Root Cause: The error message means that the script is trying to authenticate to when it should be authenticating to

Azure provides government services that are separate from their normal services. As such they also have their own authentication endpoint.

When this error is encountered, it means the scripts is trying to authenticate to an endpoint that does not correspond to the Azure platform that is being deployed to (in this case Azure Government is where the deployment is occurring but the script is trying to authenticate to Azure Public)

See Government Plan Identity for more information.

Resolution: To fix this, the Azure government must be added to the script. UiPath supports deployments to US Azure Government. In order to deploy to this, add the parameter

  • -AzureUSGovernmentLogin.

This will direct the script to the correct Authentication platform. Example of command,

.\Publish-Orchestrator.ps1 `

-action "Deploy" `

-unattended `

-package ".\" `

-stopApplicationBeforePublish `

-azureSubscriptionId "XXXXXX" `

-azureAccountTenantId "XXXXXX" `

-azureAccountApplicationId "XXXXX" `

-azureAccountPassword "XXXXXX" `

-resourceGroupName "DocTest-Orch-RG" `

-appServiceName "DocTests123" `

-hostAdminPassword "12345qwert" `

-defaultTenantAdminPassword "12345qwert" `

-storageType "Azure" `

-storageLocation "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=usr;AccountKey=...;" `

-robotsElasticSearchUrl "http://docelasticserver:9200" `

