Creating attended robots of type "robot" in Orchestrator

Hi all,

Is there a way to create an attended robot (ie. type is “robot” and not “local user”) in orchestrator? I have previously managed to connect/login as a local user after the relevant assignments, was just curious as to whether the same is possible using a created robot (ie. creating from Admin > Accounts & groups > Robots, followed by Tenant > Manage Access > Assign roles).

As shown below, I do not have an option to unselect unattended automations, and there is also no option to select anything attended-related


The role should be allow to be automation user…then you would see option to give attaended license and that would be used as attended robot

If you give robot role by default it would choose unattended setup …
Hope this helps


Thanks @Anil_G, so just to clarify it is not possible for the account type to be “Robot account” and the Robot Type to be “Attended”, because robot accounts by default are unattended, correct?


Yes thats correct

Account type is not robot but it is still displayed under robots tab as it is attended robot…nad attended robots are basically users running it so it would show differently


Ok thank you @Anil_G

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