Creating a transaction report using Orchestrator Queue - How to add business exception reasons?

I’m creating a transaction report that shows failed and successful transactions to process owners. I’m able to get the items that was included in the queue using “SpecificContent”. However, since the exception reason is not included in the original data that was dispatched to orchestrator queue, I am having trouble finding a way to include it in the transaction report.

I use Get queue items activity to get the successful and failed transactions from orchestrator.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hi @Bennyhana,

You can send sensitive data to the queue by encrypting it. You decrypt the data when you get it from the queue. In this way, it is also included in the report.

If you don’t want to do this, you can keep the data in its own database environment before add to queue the data. You assign the queue a unique ID on this table.


Thanks for the reply. My problem is how to get the “Exception Reason” from the Orchestrator queue, when you drill down into “view details” on a transaction item.

You should be logging this information in an Excel file or CSV as the automation runs, not trying to get it out of the queue later.

We actually have a single automation we call Generic Log that does this for us. So each of our automations add items to the Generic Log queue with info about the transaction, the result, which file to write it to, etc and then the Generic Log automation writes to the Excel log file.

Got it thanks, that’s a good idea. What happens if the automation hits consecutive system exceptions then it stops the process?
As of now, I’m thinking of using a row number indexer while logging the transactions in excel file. But if the process has to be stopped and restarted again, the indexer will reset and will overwrite the previous rows.

Do you have a certain way of avoiding this scenario? thanks!

I’m not sure what you’re talking about. All you do is for each transaction do an Append Range to write another row to Excel. It won’t overwrite anything.

Ah that is much simpler and effective. Thanks!

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