Created a custom activity that let's you manage cloud computing services such as AWS, Azure, Dropbox and Google cloud

Services Supported.

  • DropBox
  • Google Drive
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Google Cloud
  • Microsoft Azure


  • DropBox

  1. Upload and download files and directories
  2. Delete files
  3. Copy and move files
  4. Create directories
  • Google Drive

  1. Upload and download files and directories
  2. Delete files
  3. Copy and move files
  4. Create directories
  • Amazon Web services

  1. Create and delete virtual machines on AWS EC2
  2. Run commands on Linux virtual machines on AWS EC2
  3. Create and delete RDS MYSQL databases
  4. Query, insert, update tables on MySQL databases
  5. Upload and download files and directories to AWS S3
  6. Delete files to AWS S3
  7. Copy and move files to AWS S3
  8. Create directories to AWS S3
  • Micrsoft Azure

  1. Create and delete virtual machines
  2. Run commands on Linux virtual machines
  3. Create and delete MYSQL databases
  4. Query, insert, update tables on MySQL databases
  5. Upload and download files and directories to azure blobs
  6. Delete files to azure blobs
  7. Copy and move files to azure blobs
  8. Create directories to azure blobs
  • Google Cloud Compute Engine
  1. Create and delete virtual machines
  2. Create and delete MYSQL databases
  3. Query, insert, update tables on MySQL databases


You can find the Nuget package here

that package not working. please help

Hi @Niza

Please consider submitting your package on our marketplace: