Create table Using Interop.Word

Hello all. Tell me how to solve my problem.
I need to create table in word. I have two DataTable with 3 columns, I need to combine them into one table with a separator, like “Frist block”, “Second block” with bold font and combined cells.
I cant find any activitie in uipath to do this. Help me pls with c# interop.word


You can try with below activity also

Hope this will help you


Hi @Arettu63

Check with the Reference thread below!

YouTube Link


I don’t just need to insert a table, but to make a separation with a bold font and place it in the center and merge the cells there.


Refer to the package below!


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Hi @Arettu63

Below 2 links is explaining how to create table programmatically using

Hope this will be helpful. Thank you.

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Hi @Arettu63

The below activity will help you to insert the data tables separately and you can try creating those headers(First block and Second block) programmatically.


Thank you.

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