Create Project Failed?

I use the trial version Cloud Orchestrator.

How I check the failed reason?

Hi @eric.chen

Please try logging out and closing the browser and re-launching the AI Center.

Try creating the project.


But I logging out and closing the browser and re-launching the AI Center.
And switch the browser from chrome to Edge is the same…

Hi @eric.chen

Please Navigate to Admin and check if you have Enterprise Trial License.


@eric.chen Try giving the project name as only Test. Don’t include numbers in it

Look like have Enterprise Trial License.

But still failed.

Please check if the AI Licenses are allocated to Tenant where the Project is being created.


@eric.chen Can you hover your mouse on the red star showing besides project name title and check what it says

Already setting.
Is there anything else that needs to be set up?

It didn’t show any messages.

Hi @eric.chen

All the settings looks good.

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@eric.chen Did you try giving another name other than Test

And my friend try the same but success.

@eric.chen Try giving this name First_Project

Hi @eric.chen

Have you created the Orchestrator account using Domain Email Id.


Yes,I use my company mailbox.

Still failed.

@eric.chen Can you disable all other apps (Data service, Integration Service, Insights etc) except AI center . Give it a try creating project after disabling

I disable and relogin is the same.