I’m trying to dynamically create a JSON file from using data from an excel file that is output in a specific format to meet Enhanced Reporting Requirements (ERR) so that it can be sent via API.
The JSON should be similar to what is shown here: PAYE Employers REST API
Using many “Assigns” I have been able to create this file (using hard coded values with made up data) that looks to be in the correct format:
CreatedJSON.json (805 Bytes)
Create JSON.xaml (19.5 KB)
However it is not dynamic and I’m struggling to find a better way to implement this.
Example of data to be used
Example table.xlsx (8.9 KB)
I have read the data, putting it into a data table, looping through to populate the variables and serialising the object to then write the file but that outputs this file which isn’t quite right:
NewJsonFile.json (1.2 KB)
Thank you