It must be doing something weird to the project, maybe not sneaking in dependencies exactly, perhaps the dependency is present in the 23.4 version but not in 23.8, I don’t know for sure.
The only non-standard thing about the project is that I’m using a custom UiPath library, I tried re-compiling that with 23.8-beta, but I cannot publish any library to Orchestrator at all, including a blank new one (see logs below), so I maybe incompatibility with the library is the culprit. I tried deploying the library into a local feed and robot was unable to install it.
Anyways, the workaround I settled on is to use the Enterprise installer for version 23.4 and disable the auto updater service. Just copying the project and trying to run it in Studio 23.4 failed with the same error message, I used a backup to get the project to work again, although I suppose if you have the patience to tinker with the local folder and such you might be able to get it to work.
15:25:18.5767 => [ERROR] [UiPath.Studio] [1] Dispose-> RemoteExecute: connection lost in UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.AddInFramework.IAddInProjectEndpoint: System.IO.IOException: Connection closed.
at UiPath.CoreIpc.Connection.RemoteCall(Request request, Stream uploadStream, CancellationToken token)
at UiPath.CoreIpc.ServiceClient1.<>c__DisplayClass21_1
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at UiPath.CoreIpc.Helpers.Timeout[TResult](TimeSpan timeout, List1 cancellationTokens, Func
2 func, String message, Func2 exceptionHandler) at UiPath.CoreIpc.ServiceClient
1.<>c__DisplayClass21_11.<Invoke>b__2(Exception ex) at UiPath.CoreIpc.Helpers.Timeout[TResult](TimeSpan timeout, List
1 cancellationTokens, Func2 func, String message, Func
2 exceptionHandler)
at UiPath.Studio.Ipc.Shared.Services.IpcProxyBase1.RemoteExecute[T](Func
2 remoteFunc, String callerName), HResult -2146232800
15:25:32.1671 => [ERROR] [UiPath.Studio] [1] Dispose-> RemoteExecute: connection lost in UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.AddInFramework.IAddInProjectEndpoint: System.IO.IOException: Connection closed.
at UiPath.CoreIpc.Connection.RemoteCall(Request request, Stream uploadStream, CancellationToken token)
at UiPath.CoreIpc.ServiceClient1.<>c__DisplayClass21_1
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at UiPath.CoreIpc.Helpers.Timeout[TResult](TimeSpan timeout, List1 cancellationTokens, Func
2 func, String message, Func2 exceptionHandler) at UiPath.CoreIpc.ServiceClient
1.<>c__DisplayClass21_11.<Invoke>b__2(Exception ex) at UiPath.CoreIpc.Helpers.Timeout[TResult](TimeSpan timeout, List
1 cancellationTokens, Func2 func, String message, Func
2 exceptionHandler)
at UiPath.Studio.Ipc.Shared.Services.IpcProxyBase1.RemoteExecute[T](Func
2 remoteFunc, String callerName), HResult -2146232800
15:26:05.0753 => [ERROR] [UiPath.Studio.App.Logging.OutputLogger] [10] Error: Publish of Library project to Orchestrator failed. Package cannot be published to the shared feed
15:26:05.0755 => [ERROR] [UiPath.Studio] [10] Error: Publish of Library project to Orchestrator failed. Package cannot be published to the shared feed