Could Not Generate View For OpenBrowser Or NApplicationCard

Why view could not be generated for Open Browser or Use Application/Browser (NApplicationCard) activity?

Issue: If the UiPath sub-dependency is not resolved for the UiAutomation activity package, the below error is encountered. "Could not generate view for OpenBrowser".

Resolution: Dependencies may not be resolved when the computer does not have access to different sources to retrieve packages.

  • In order to solve this, make sure that the Studio/Robot computer are allowed to download packages from the official package sources, as described in the page: Services The Robot Connects To .

Alternatively, manually download the package using the Nuget Package explorer tool (available via the Microsoft App Store). Connect to the UiPath official feed and download the missing sub-dependency.

  1. Copy the downloaded nupkg file to C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio\Packages (or whichever destination is setup as the Local package source)
  2. Ensure the 'Local' package source is checked in the Manage Package settings
  3. Close the project and re-open it.