Why view could not be generated for Open Browser or Use Application/Browser (NApplicationCard) activity?
Issue: If the UiPath sub-dependency is not resolved for the UiAutomation activity package, the below error is encountered. "Could not generate view for OpenBrowser".
Resolution: Dependencies may not be resolved when the computer does not have access to different sources to retrieve packages.
- In order to solve this, make sure that the Studio/Robot computer are allowed to download packages from the official package sources, as described in the page: Services The Robot Connects To .
Alternatively, manually download the package using the Nuget Package explorer tool (available via the Microsoft App Store). Connect to the UiPath official feed and download the missing sub-dependency.
- Copy the downloaded nupkg file to C:\Program Files\UiPath\Studio\Packages (or whichever destination is setup as the Local package source)
- Ensure the 'Local' package source is checked in the Manage Package settings
- Close the project and re-open it.