Could not find member 'MacroOuput' in type ''

There are multiple processes that have this error.

Have tried reinstalling the Excel.activities package.

Removing this error and able to add a new Execute Macro activity perfectly fine. However, as stated multiple processes have this error.

Any solutions? Many thanks.

Hi @Browser

This is typically related to the workflow from a newer version of Studio being run on an older version. To be precise.

You can still try to upgrade the Excel package to try to fix this issue.


The excel package installed is the latest version. However, the error still remains.

Dear @Browser,

i meet the same issue like you, is your problem solved? If yes, could you please kindly share me how it solved.

Thank you!

Hello @Browser

i fixed it…

  1. open the script with notepade
  2. delete the parameter “MacroOutput” as highlighted in my screen shot.
  3. save and return the script.