"Could not establish connection to Orchestrator" Error In The Insights Admin Tool While Attempting To Login To Perform Tenant Setup

Error fix for "Could not establish connection to Orchestrator" thrown in the Insights Admin Tool when trying to login .

Issue Description: This is applicable to Sisense-Supported Insights until version 2020.10.

After Insights has been installed, enable it for the desired tenant(s) using the Insights Admin Tool (or the Tenant Setup tool). Orchestrator host credentials are required to login to this tool. Sometimes, the below error is thrown when trying to login.

Troubleshooting Steps: Follow the below troubleshooting approaches,

  1. Provide the correct set of Orchestrator system admin (host) credentials. To validate, test logging in to the Orchestrator host using the same credentials that is being supplied to the Insights Admin Tool.

  1. Ensure that the Orchestrator can be accessed securely from the Insights machine.

  1. Import the Insights certificate to the "Personal" and "Trusted Root" folders of the Certificate Manager on your Orchestrator machine ("Start --> Run --> MMC --> File --> Add or Remove Snap-ins --> Certificates --> Computer account --> Local Computer").

  1. Navigate as below and check if all services are up and running:
    • "services.msc" --> If any of the "Sisense" services are stopped, please start them manually.
    • "https://{InsightsURL}/app/test" --> If any of the services are stopped (in RED), please go to "http://localhost:3030" on the Insights server and click on "Restart Services". Check if all services are running (in GREEN) now by going to /app/test again.

  1. If using Windows Authentication to connect to the Insights database, modify the logon properties of the "Sisense.CLRConnectorsContainer" and "Sisense.JVMConnectorsContainer" services as illustrated in the Windows Authentication Configuration section in our official docs.

  1. There is a known issue with version 2020.4 of Insights wherein this error is observed in the Insights Admin Tool when using Windows Authentication with the forced logging enabled. To validate this, you can open the "log.txt" file present under "C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\Tools" directory in your Insights server and diagnose the error logs. They usually show a 401 Unauthorized error and the stack trace looks something like below:

"Debug Connecting to Orchestrator for user host: admin at {Orchestrator URL}
Error Failed to connect to Orchestrator. Please check that {Orchestrator URL} is reachable and Orchestrator is running. Debug System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized."

If the above scenario is produced, disable the "Force automatic login using this provider" option by opening the Identity Management portal as depicted in our official docs under the "Setting Up Auto Login for Users Under an Active Directory Group" section. Re-enable this once the tenant setup has completed.

  1. If the issue still persists even after trying the above approaches, the following items can provide more insight to troubleshoot further:
    • The "log.txt" file within the Insights installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\Tools)
    • Application event viewer logs on the Orchestrator server
    • A Fiddler trace

Capture these and send over to UiPath Support for further analysis.