So, for this table, I want to read the first row, and ok, that is not yesterday, so nothing. The second row has yesterday’s date, so I want to copy the number 4701 from that same row. How could I do this, I have no idea?
After copying the number 4701, I want to find that number on a webpage and click on it, so I guess I need to save that number to a variable also?
Here is what I have come up with so far, but it is missing a lot (I am also not sure if the date will be in the right format if I use the code I currently have there):
First get the list of PONumbers whose date is Yesterday.
ListA=(From p In Dt.Select
where DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString(MM/dd/yy).Equals(Convert.ToString(p.Item("POdate")))
Select Convert.ToString(p.Item("POnumber"))).ToList
Now the List A will contain only the yesterday POnumbers.
Now run foreach for ListA and Click on the elements if it founds.