Copying a Text with a Hyperlink

Hi everyone,
I have a text with a hyperlink that when i click the text, the hyperlink is opened on a new tab. However when i try to copy that text, it doesn’t take the link. How can i solve this? Is there anyone who can help me?
Thanks a lot.

Hi @msmhkndz
Welcome to the Community!!

You mean you have to capture both text and the link?

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if the text is an UiElement, use get attribute activity with the attribute as “href”. The output would be the url which you can navigate to


Thank you. Yes, i am trying to capture both. Actually i want to copy it and to send it via an email. However it send text without link.

  1. Find the link you want to copy .
  2. Right-click the link.
  3. Select the " Copy link " option.
  4. Place your cursor where you want to paste the link .
  5. Paste the link .
  6. Paste the link as a hyperlink with different text .
  7. Copy and paste an address from the address bar.
    This is the easiest way you can get!