Hello, I’m new in UiPath, I want to copy a single cell (in cell i have a URL) from “B2” Column and will paste in RUN dialog box using WIN+R. once the process done … then again need to copy the another cell from “B3” from same column and paste in RUN dialog box. So what activity i need to select for the same?
Check this workflow,
It captures all the row date from the excel sheet and stores it into a datatable. After that for each loop is used to access each row value form the data table and type the value into Run.
Loop_Run_Example.xaml (8.7 KB)
Let me know if it helps.
Rammohan B.
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Hi Team,
I want to read a specific cell based on the column header name. I don’t wan’t to specify the cell address which cell i need to copy. I want to copy based on the column header name.
Ex : In my excel i have a column name :“Invoice Number” and for that column i have “Invoice No 12345”. So i want to copy the invoice number using the column name “Invoice Number”. Can any one please guide how to proceed in this.