Copy the row items into Datatables

I need to read all the data and write same value in the destination pathSampleInput.xlsx (11.1 KB)

With the attached workflow using simple Range Range and write range, it is copying without trim.
SampleInput.xlsx (12.5 KB)
Excel ReadRange.xaml (6.0 KB)

Can you share your workflow and destination file?


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It is also working for me But the destination for is “General”
In source Format is “Text”

The destination format, i.e., Sheet2 in the sample i sent, it is in general format only and it is working fine without trim.

i have done this issue

Select all the Columns and format it into “Text”.(i am using hotkey to format the cells)


I want to move row data in one excel file to another excel file as column data.
Copy the row data in excel1 and paste it as column data in excel2.
Please suggest me, If any solution.
