Copy the full text and get it to excel

hi everyone can any one tell me about datascrap

You can use Data Scraping technique to get all the address and its type. then you can write that data table to excel using Write Range Activity.


i tried but didnt get data scrap can anyone try to make it success

The solution I gave on previous post dint work?

no,tanq for your response,it is new to me in community,unexpectedly i clicked the button solved,so that iam unable to give reply back…it is getting output but iam unable to save the same output on excel, it is the problem iam facing…

ok tanq to all, i got the solution and tanq for response vivek

Great… Please share the solution with us… :slightly_smiling_face:

hi ok for all of your help

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hi @saneeth_kandukuri
can you share with me the solution .