Copy same folders and rename it multiple times with different names

Hi @Kunal_Jain, Please try the following.

In ‘Copy Folder’ activity, ‘From’ should be the path of the folder you want to copy, ‘To’ should be the path of the folder you want the folder to be copied to.
Note: It will copy the desired folder with same name to destination folder.
E.g. From: “D:\Personal\Learning\UiPath\RoboticEnterpriseFramework-WindowsCompatibility\Data\Input\SampleFolder”
To: “D:\Personal\Learning\UiPath\RoboticEnterpriseFramework-WindowsCompatibility\Data\Output”

Then use ‘Rename Folder’ activity to rename the copied folder to desired name.
‘Folder’ should the path of the folder just copied and ‘New Name’ should be value coming from DataTable.
E.g. Folder: “D:\Personal\Learning\UiPath\RoboticEnterpriseFramework-WindowsCompatibility\Data\Output\SampleFolder”
New name: CurrentRow.Item(“Name”).ToString

Edit: Added screenshots
