Copy Range not finishing

Copy range is never completing. no error is thrown. What can I do?

destination cell “A1”
Destination sheet “sheet2”
Sheet name “sheet1”
Source range"A1:BM10000"


If using Excel process scope → Read Range is slower.

Try using Read Range workbook activity.

Copy range not available for workbook. Looks like only available for Excel process scope.
In 2022.10 is there any other way of accomplishing copy range?

Copy range is just hanging there, not sure never coming out, even after copying the data.

Thank you,

Hello @A_Learner

If you need to insert the data with no regards to what the second sheet contains, then you could use Read Range Workbook as @ashokkarale suggests and then simply define the same Excel file as you destination in Write Range Workbook, but with a different sheet.

If you are looking to append the data copied, then you first need to read the second sheet to determine the correct index of where to insert data.


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Thank you @SorenB for clearly explaining.

Is the above equivalent to selecting “All” option in copy range?
For example, formula, formatting etc.?

Thank you,

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Read Range Workbook don’t preserve the format and formulas. If this is important to copy formulas and formats and Excel process scope in not fast enough, you are left with only one option, that is Invoke VBA code activity.

Record the macro in excel. Take it out in a text file and pass it to the activity.

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It is just not about taking time, it is never coming out of that activity.
I have to stop the bot. Not sure why.

If copy range works, I do not like to go VB route.



Agree! tried upgrading/downgrading the Excel activity package? Sometimes it could be due to due to uncovered issue in some versions.

thank you. This works perfectly in UiPath 2022.

Same code in UiPath 2023 having issue.

Any advise here?

thank you


Can you try matching the Excel Activities package version you were using in 2022 in 2023?

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Trying that. Thank you!!

@ashokkarale What does that exactly mean? Upgrade Excel in 2022 to what is being used in 2023?

thank you,


I mean upgrade /downgrade the UiPath.Excel.Activities package version in your current code to what you were using in 2022

Thank you, @ashokkarale and @SorenB


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