Copy HyperLink and save into a variable

Hello All,

In Kibana there is a copy link in Dashboard. After Copy I want to save in a variable. Let me know how I can save copied link into a variable.





Buddy Once you click that link that get copied to clipboard right buddy, so we have option called get from clipboard activity that can assign to a variable.
With that variable you can get the hyperlink as you wish for

Hope this would help you

Thanks for quick response.

I did below code but it doesn’t save Link in Variable.



Buddy either i tried from my side with similar copy url

it showing the output

No worries buddy would like to know what happens when you click copy url whether it goes to clipboard or it displays any url
if it go to clipboard lets check manually whether it is getting copied or not kindly paste in any word document to check that
or else if it displays the url we need to handle this with get text activity

another chance is that issue with click activity, if possible can i have url or even the click selector

We can solve this buddy, you are almost done


Done my dear friend !!

Actually it was a double click operation.

Thanks you so much !!

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Kindly mark the right comment with solution that could help others looking for ideas under your topic…

Cheers buddy. …Keep going

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