Copy Header Activity Sometimes Failing Without Error Message

Sorry, I tried to attach an example workflow but it won’t fully load in. :frowning:

Many of the output files I am creating for each group require a unique header. There are about twenty headers to choose from. The headers are located in a “Header Template” Excel file. I have the bot copy the correct header from the “Header Template” file into the output file. I have explored the latest Excel package provided by UiPath and BalaReva Excel packages. The activity I am using now to copy the header is the BalaReva.Excel.Sheets.CopyToFile activity (BalaReva.Excel.Activities - #19 by balupad14). I am using the latest version of all packages (unless the latest version is a beta version).

I could solve this issue with VBA but I don’t have a lot of bandwidth to devote that sort of time to this project right now.

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