I am trying to copy the file.
In From field I gave the file name, and in the Detination I gave the folder name where I want to copy the file. But it’s denied.
I am trying to copy the file.
In From field I gave the file name, and in the Detination I gave the folder name where I want to copy the file. But it’s denied.
From your error it can be seen that either your source file path is not complete or you have missed placing file extension.
Please check and try again
path is completed bro.
both the ways I tried.
see this is the file I am trying to copy.
Bro every file has a extension.
You have not specified the extension, if it is .xls or .txt or .pdf
You just wrote ‘invoicetemp’
Use what type of file it is
.xlsx type bro.
Write .xlsx at the end of file path and then try
When we are trying to copy the file from one folder to another folder
We would be mentioning the source file path with a file name and a extension
Similarly we need to mention the file name with file extension in the destination as well
For more info on this
thats the reason why this error came up as we didn’t mention the file name in the destaination folder
Cheers @balkishan
in From I given - Master_Template\Invoice Template.xlsx
in the Destination I set -
I think the file name in source is not exact one
The error shows like that
Kindly check that once
Cheers @balkishan
not working bro.
tell me on thing, In source folder I have multiple file, but I want to copy only a single specific file in a Destination Folder.
so in From field I have to mention only Folder name or Folder with File name which I want to copy
Folder with file name
same I given in a From folder. but not working see below.
see this is the complete path
Remove the first back slash
Make sure that this folder Master_Template is in your project folder
If not mention the full path
As the error shows like part of file path is not found we need to check with the file path
Cheers @balkishan
Fine at last include a back slash and the file name as well
Cheers @balkishan
Understand bro. Thanks
Cheers @balkishan
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