Copy File activity does not load the Add ins

Using Copy File Activity , copied the Excel Macro file from one folder to another folder but when bot opens the copied file using Excel Application Scope Activity, Add Ins are not displayed but i manually open the same file then add in looks good,not sure why the robot opened file doesn’t show up the Add Ins, any quick solution would be really help !

Hi @Subrayak87

Please go through above link, might be helpful.

Goutham Vijay

@GouthamVijay,Thanks for the article but issue i am having here is i could see “MI Office” Tab when i open the Excel Macro manually but when bot runs the excel macro then MI Office tab is not available.

Could you share the screenshot of both…

Buddy we have an option to execute a macro within excel application scope called
Execute Macro
where you can mention the macro name in Macro Name property where either you can pass as string or you can store that macro in a notepad and using read text activity read that notepad file and get the output with output variable, then pass that variable as input to Macro Name property and
can mention the parameter passed to macro in Macro Parameters
But all inside a excel application scope with excel file path where you want to execute your macro

Hope this would help you


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@Palaniyappan, I already did use Execute Macro activity and its successfully executed and showed as Refresh Completed but data is not really refreshed in the excel. When I manually click refresh then it starts refreshing so when bot does launches the excel macro through open the excel application scope, looks like macro runs but data didn’t refresh.

Buddy, may i see that macro once and would like to know the steps how you manually refresh the page. This could help us to find the solution…
