Copy Excel and paste calculator

Hello everyone, I need a little help to create a flow:
1-Open Excel.
2-Copy the cell.
3-Paste the value in the Windows calculator.
4- Copy another cell.
5- Paste the copied value again.
7-Paste result in Excel.

I am given this difficulty when trying to copy the values and paste them into the calculator.

From already thank you very much


  1. Use Start Application activity to open calculator application and pass .exe file path of it.
  2. use Read cell activity and read values from Excel file and then use Type Into activity to type values into Excel file.
  3. use Get Text activity to read result from calculator and then use Write Cell activity to write into Excel file.

Thank you @lakshman,
I will describe the steps I am doing:
1-Open Excel: Excel Application Scope.
2-Copy the cell: “Read Cell”, I create variable and select it in “Output”: “Variable1”.
3-Paste the value in the Windows calculator .: I think here I have the problem, since what I do is open the “Open Application” calculator
What activity do I have to use to copy from the excel to the calculator?
Thank you very much for your time and help

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Use Type Into activity and pass the output of Read Cell activity.

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Here is your xaml buddy , its resolved (20.5 KB)

Hope would help you


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@lakshman, @Palaniyappan thank you very much for all your help and for your time


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