hello, anyone can tell me
I have two excel files below output and base excel files i want to copy data from output excel file only upto BW column
Then in base file existing data paste output file data upto to only BW column and remaing data need not to be changed
output excel file
col-a |col- b | col- c | col-d --|–col-bw |col-bx | col-by |col-bz
AB | PQ | MN | ST | YZ | SE | RT | YT
Base file
col-a |col- b| col- c | col-d --|–col-bw | col-bx col-by |col-bz
ed rt | ty | yu | hg | y | y | y
Base file
col-a |col- b | col- c | col-d --|–col-bw | col-bx| col-by |col-bz
AB | PQ | MN | ST | YZ | y | y | y
Check the below image for reference. Here You need mention the Range in the Copy Paste range Activity.
The Below Image will copy entire sheet.
To Copy only specific range Need to mention .range(“”)
This is my output file & there is number of columns with data
I want to copy output file data only from 1st column to BW column
This is my second excel base file
In that paste output file data which is 1st column to BW col
and must no change to existing data next to BW column of base file
means only 1st column to BW column data changed in existing data in base file