Copy content from multiple fields into Excel

I need to copy the content from multiple text fields in SAP and paste them into an excel file.

I tried to use the screen scraping function to select the text field and then “Copy to Clipboard”. After that I tried to use “Send Hotkey” and paste it into the Excel file.

The problem is that only the last element is inserted into every field in the Excel file. So for example: the first element is an adress and the last element is an ID - the robot copies the ID (which was selected last during the process) and inserts it into every field (adress, id and everything inbetween) in the Excel file.

Sadly I can’t provide you with screenshots because of the information displayed in the SAP-Application.

I can provide more information if the problem is not clear enough. Thank you!

HI @Emma_Micheilis

I would recommend to start here:

Completely new SAP Academy course , to help you to learn the automation techniques and the best practices for SAP WinGUI automation

In one of the chapters I am explaining how to work with SAP & Excel

Best regards, Lev

Thank you for your answer. I already completed this course but sadly it wasn’t very helpful for my problem because I’m using SAP Logon and I need to copy elements which are not saved in a typical data table.

Can you give me a screenshot? please make all real data unreadable…

I found the solution. I had to use “Copy to Clipboard” in the screen scraping process and then “Set to Clipboard” before pasting it into the excel sheet.

But thank you for trying to help!

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