Copy cell by cell from an excel and paste it one by one in putty ssh

Hello guys, I am new to uipath and I need your help in order to create a workflow for my project.
I need to create a workflow which copies string cell by cell from an excel column and type it into a putty ssh connection and wait for like 5 minutes between each cell.
Can you please give me an example or sample. Thank you in advance!!

Hi, Ionut_Frincu here is my idea for your Flowachart
1.Use read range or read column activity.
2.Loop thought item in result from step 1 use For each row or for each (if use read column).
3. In body For each, type item.ToString into your field you want use type into activity.
4. Use delay activity and set time waiting with value “00:05:00”.


Thanks for your response, can you please give me a sample with the workflow, because I would like to see how it works.


My example flowchart is here:


Thank you my friend! I appreciate!

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It’s nothing my buddy. Wish you happy with it.

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