Copy a excel cell range to word


Does anyone know how to copy a range of cells from excel sheet and paste it in a word doc as a table ? I want to copy cell range in an excel doc and paste it in a word doc as a table.

I used send key option and click event but didn’t work ( the problem comes when it going to paste in the word doc )

kindly requesting your help on this.


Here is your xaml buddy @charith_wickramasing
its resolved
hope this would help you (11.2 KB)

Cheers buddy @charith_wickramasing

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DId that work buddy @charith_wickramasing

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This works perfectly buddy. Thanks a lot for the help :).

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Amazing buddy
Cheers keep going

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Hi @Palaniyappan,

is it possible to paste the cellrange value with table format into body of email.

Please provide me a solution buddy.


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Any reply bro @Palaniyappan

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Hi @Mohansadaiyapillai

Sorry for the delay to respond…
Yes of course we can by using html body and we have a property ishtml body with which we can send a table with the body of the mail…

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Bro @Palaniyappan it is not working as worked in the word document even though I have selected as IsBodyHtml.
Please find the below example of body of mail


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