I need the number 105 in the picture on a website where I will be making transactions. I will use this number later in the While loop. I can get the selector, but how can I get only the number 105?
If you are getting from a website you can use the “Get text Activity” Or Get Attribute Activity after that you can perform the string manipulation or by using regex it possible
OutputText = after getting the text from website out out
Use a get attribute activity and get the output value of attribute that holds that value as a string variable named Strinput
Now use a split method to get the value u want like this in assign activity
stroutput = Split(Strinput.ToString, “-“)(1).ToString
Hope this helps
Cheers @tolgademir
PDFFileDownload: Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled. I get this error
I am trying again with the same error.
I solved this problem with the String operations topic on the erkanceylan.com website. Thanks again for the useful content. @erkanceylan
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