Converting all the .xls files in a folder to .xlsx and rename them from list of names from a text file

Hi everyone,

I am new UIpath user. I am continuing the uipath acedemy and along with that I am trying to solve my simple daily problems with automation for practice.

I have some .xls files in my download folder which I downloaded from a website. I need to convert them to .xlsx and rename theme from my list of names in text file.



Names in the text list: The order of names are oldest download to most recent download.

I will pleased if you can help me on this.

Thanks in advance


Check with the below steps

  1. Get all files from the Downloads folder with the externsion .xls
  2. Loop it and read each file as a datatable using “Read Range” activity
  3. Then write the datatable using “Write Range” activity into a .xlsx file with the filename from the text file
  4. Move the .xls which completed to a “Archival” folder